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lascar volcano造句

  • Explosive eruptions and ash falls are the major threat from Lascar volcano.
  • Explosive eruptions are the biggest hazard at Lascar volcano.
  • Lascar volcano is the most active volcano in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone.
  • A zone of anomalous electrical conductivity down to depths of extends north to Lascar volcano.
  • An event called Volcano Marathon takes place near the Lascar volcano in the Atacama Desert.
  • Lascar volcano is formed by two truncated cones with irregular shapes that extend east-west.
  • Lascar volcano is located in the Antofagasta Region of Chile, and is,,, or high.
  • At least six potentially active calderas, 44 active major and 18 active minor volcanoes lie in this area, of which Lascar volcano is the most active.
  • And a fresh " hot spot " atop the remote Lascar volcano in northern Chile has been under constant satellite observation, although so far the volcano has not erupted.
  • One eruption of Aguas Calientes postdates the first centre of Lascar and was originally linked to the Lascar Piedras Grandes eruption, before sampling on the deposits of this eruption indicated a relationship with the Lascar volcano itself.
  • It's difficult to see lascar volcano in a sentence. 用lascar volcano造句挺难的
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